2022 K&M Tire Pursuing Excellence Episodes

5 videos Last updated on February 16, 2022
Welcome to our Pursuing Excellence Episodes. These are short, digestible, and actionable learning modules created and delivered specifically for you. Remember, Excellence in your business this year is the byproduct of our Five P's of Excellence: Perseverance, Profits, People, Process, and Product. If I can help you in any way, reach out to me at Jeff.Wallick@kmtire.com anytime. Just like K&M Tire, I'm here for you and we're with you every step of the way.

In order to get the most out of these Pursuing Excellence Episodes, please click on the links below and print out these documents:
1. Seminar Takeaway: https://www.tireimages.com/documents/takeaways/2022/WallickTakeAway.pdf
2. Learning Guide: https://www.tireimages.com/documents/takeaways/2022/2022ExcellenceEpsLG.pdf

To your continued success and Excellence in 2022,
